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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:14 pm
by IvanIannaccone
apol wrote:SSMC Ports-Pane:
Made a new test this morning: no other users logged into ssmc. Login (on second try, had a typo in username…), wait 'till UI settles and historical capacity graph appears, click on "Ports", error appears, acknowledge error, logout. Collect everything from ssmcdata/data/logs that has been touched today. If you need a full "support.bat"-output please tell me! This error oocurs every single time we try to use the ports pane, it is not the occasional glitch that can happen when the network hickups. I'll mail the zip to you (2.whatever mb).

please, there was a typo in my previous post, email is

apol wrote:View on list of VV-Sets:
"I need to understand better they use case for wanting to load all items in one go, why are you doing that?" Well, each of our two V400s has about 490 VV-Sets, approx. 300 of them are "RCP_xxx". Even without those, SSMC would not display all VV-Sets from one of the two machines. It's not about displaying all VV-Sets from all machines at once! We could probably just use the search/filter-bar, sure, but just being able to click on the list-element you want to check/alter/whatever is a quite basic idea I think?!

it is; what is more interesting to me is how you will use the entire output, how does listing all VVset at once enable you to accomplish a task?

apol wrote:AFA / 64TB:
I read somewhere that a CPG for Dedup should not exceed 64TB, I think the reason was to minimize the chance for hash collisions. I'm not sure if that refers to "allocated size", "used-size storage-wise after dedup" or "used-size host-wise before dedup". We actually plan to put in a cpg the primaries worth approx 25TB allocated for one cluster in dc1 plus the secondaries of another, equally sized cluster in dc2. Thinking about to put some more in, we'll see about that if the first clusters are completely migrated to the AFA. Additional CPGs for next clusters, and for equally sized clusters with other hypervisor/OS. What is your take on that topic? Very interested in it, as we just startet putting hosts and data on our AFA! If our idea is wrong/not optimal, this is the moment to change direction!

yeah ping me your SN in pm.

apol wrote:Drop down lists ordering:
Sorry, but I still don't get it. In our case, it's neither alphabetically nor frequency of use-ordered… Or can we influence ordering somehow?
@all: I posted this in the forum because I think it could be interesting for others as well, but I don't want to pollute this thread - if this should go to an own thread or should be done via pm, please tell me!

It is both, if there is no logic in the usage it will revert to alphabetical.
I am fine either way! I think it's good to share this in the forum so everybody can see and not repost

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:01 am
by apol
what is more interesting to me is how you will use the entire output, how does listing all VVset at once enable you to accomplish a task?

Quite easy: If the element I want/have to work with only appears after 5x clicking on "Load more" and wait till SSMC did actually load more, I'm bugged. If the whole list just loads, I can easily scoll down and select the element I want. Or do we talk at cross-purposes? (Hope this is the proper english term).

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 6:59 am
by hdtvguy
Some other observations around tasks. In IMC you can have far more control over what tasks you can see and also how they sort. Not in the SSMC screen shot the left highlighted column shows spinning wheels like it is trying to refresh, this was taken over 5 minutes after letting the screen sit, they are always spinning. Then look at the sorted column for Progress, there does not seem to be any real sort on this column also in IMC you get a percentage of the progress in SSMC you have to infer based on the status bar length.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:03 am
by hdtvguy
IvanIannaccone wrote: what is more interesting to me is how you will use the entire output, how does listing all VVset at once enable you to accomplish a task?

I think HP underestimates how people are using IMC, first displaying everything at once is powerful, especially with the sorting, filtering and column customization and then the ability via IMC to export the data to clipboard, file and select format (all missing in SSMC) is immensely powerful. If you are a dedicated storage admin then the CLI is your friend, if you are not a dedicated storage admin IMC has powerful ways to do thing that would take someone not CLI savvy a much longer time to accomplish.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:16 am
by IvanIannaccone
hdtvguy wrote:I think HP underestimates how people are using IMC, first displaying everything at once is powerful, especially with the sorting, filtering and column customization and then the ability via IMC to export the data to clipboard, file and select format (all missing in SSMC) is immensely powerful. If you are a dedicated storage admin then the CLI is your friend, if you are not a dedicated storage admin IMC has powerful ways to do thing that would take someone not CLI savvy a much longer time to accomplish.

Agree, but I would still like to understand the use case, what is the final task that you are trying to accomplish? I think we all agree that we don't want to build another IMC, we want to streamline operations and have people NOT spend cycles managing their infrastructure. A lot of use cases that I see described are more around reporting than management.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 11:14 am
by 3parguy5414
This is not only an SSMC feedback but a CLI feedback as well.

If I am using LDAP authentication and created a super-user, why am i still unable to run tasks with my user?

Am i missing something? for example when I run a tunesys -dr it shows "permission denied" yet a showuserconn shows I have a super user role.

This has been a problem for me since 3.1.2 GA on my 7000

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:30 pm
by hdtvguy
IvanIannaccone wrote:
hdtvguy wrote:I think HP underestimates how people are using IMC, first displaying everything at once is powerful, especially with the sorting, filtering and column customization and then the ability via IMC to export the data to clipboard, file and select format (all missing in SSMC) is immensely powerful. If you are a dedicated storage admin then the CLI is your friend, if you are not a dedicated storage admin IMC has powerful ways to do thing that would take someone not CLI savvy a much longer time to accomplish.

Agree, but I would still like to understand the use case, what is the final task that you are trying to accomplish? I think we all agree that we don't want to build another IMC, we want to streamline operations and have people NOT spend cycles managing their infrastructure. A lot of use cases that I see described are more around reporting than management.

I agree in principal, but to me the IMC is just dated, but what it does is excellent and preserving as much as it does would be desirable. I have always been a huge fan of the IMC, other than the problems with it scaling and JAVA issue, but maybe it is my age ;-) but while not the most modern looking management tool it is extremely powerful for 3par.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:00 pm
by IvanIannaccone
If I am using LDAP authentication and created a super-user, why am i still unable to run tasks with my user?
this is a limitation in the way the LDAP authentication works as operations like tunesys and AO fork a new process/task. Its a restriction that we will remove in a future release of the 3PAR OS code.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:14 pm
by 3parguy5414
IvanIannaccone wrote:
3parguy5414 wrote:If I am using LDAP authentication and created a super-user, why am i still unable to run tasks with my user?
this is a limitation in the way the LDAP authentication works as operations like tunesys and AO fork a new process/task. Its a restriction that we will remove in a future release of the 3PAR OS code.

Thanks for that Ivan! As a former HP employee our customers were always complaining about this and now as an HP partner I see why it is such a big deal!

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:52 am
by apol
A lot of use cases that I see described are more around reporting than management.

Same here: CLI for doing, IMC for viewing.

We have lot's of little scripts (DOS Batch-files containing "cli <whatever>..."), IMC is for last check bevore script-use and checking results afterwards. The only thing we do not execute per script/cli is creating vluns.

Direct ssh-connection is mostly used for quick information-gathering, when we don't want to wait 'till IMC synced with our systems (which can take a LONG time on big systems) or SR digged all that hi-res data out of mysql... :-)