SSMC Customer Feedback

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Richard Siemers
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SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by Richard Siemers »

Hello All,

Per HP's request, here is an official community feedback request. Please share your SSMC thoughts, concerns, opinions, ideas here in a professional manner. For best results, please provide technical detail and examples that developers/designers can work with. The more technical, and less emotional, the better the end results will be for us all.


More information: ... 832ENW.pdf? ... MC_CONSOLE

EOL Announcment for System Reporter:
EOL Announcement for System Reporter 3.1
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Richard Siemers
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

I will selectively post some of items I have already sent to HP to solicit feedback from others to see if I am off base or not. I have been using SSMS for about 2 months now and recently went to 2.1. I will post some of the 2.0 items as I suspect many still hold true, I will try and verify 2.0 items time permitting.

I will apologize now as I will likely post numerous items, but figured individual posts for each item will allow conversation on an each item rather than trying to comment on a massive list.

In the Physical drives pane not a fan of how the indentation is working. Total is fully left justified, then the drives counts are fully left justified, but the drive types and indented and dwarf the drive type. First few times I looked at this I have to spend time deciphering what I was really looking at for quantities. Compare to IMC where the layout is intuitive and logical. Also in SSMC there does nto seem to be distinction of 15K vs. 10K
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

I believe this is in 2.0 and 2.1

On the dashboard I have a clear indication of a warning, but when I click that warning I am taken to the Systems screen and all the systems show Green, so which system has the warning?
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by IvanIannaccone »

Thanks for taking the time :)

The drill down with filter has been checked in 2.2 so that should take care of the filter when clicking/drilling from dashboard.

I don't see the same behavior for the Physical drives, ping me a note and we can look into it. You will see the FC10/15k breakdown as you drill down.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by apol »

Hi, after two days of testing:

- We would prefer if ssmc displayed names of sets, vvs etc. without line-wrapping in the left area. Trim the last characters like IMC did if necessary, but please don't clutter the interface with wrapped around strings! One element - one line!

- As the left navigation pane often displays everything from every systems (e.g. CPGs) when you click there for the first time, everything automatically created sucks: we have 18 3PAR systems, so there are lots of CPGS that are all called the same ("FC_r1", "FC_r5", etc), and the CPGs we actually use are spread among them. Especially with dedup on systems with more the 64TB, you can't just use this automatically provisioned cpgs (you need a new cpg for every 64TB), and on systems you bought with InformOS prior to 3.1.2 you already had your CPGs when this cpgs (FC_r1 etc.) showed up. Same with VV-Sets: In the VV-Set-Part, we have to click "load more" very often until we see all of them. The 200+ "RCP_xxx"-VVSets don't help at all in this regard. It's a neat idea to help new customers get a system up and running, but it would really be cool if there was a checkbox "hide all that automatically created stuff like cpgs and vv-sets".

- We would prefer alphabetically ordered drop down lists. We have no idea how the actual sorting works. Newly added systems appeared on places 3 and 5 in the drop down list, but places 3 and 4 in the left list in the systems-section (when "All Systems" is selected in drop down list). Places 3 and 4 are correct when ordering alphabetically.

- The "Systems" drop down lists acts "additive", so for changing systems you always have to click twice - select the new one, deselect the old one. And then one more click to make the drop down list disappear. How about adding a little "+" in front of system names? Clicking that --> "add to selection" and let menu stay visible, clicking the system name --> "change to that system" and close drop down menu.

- We like the "historical capacity"-chart very much. We'd like to create/have an own dashboard with this chart from every system all next to each other. Maybe with separated drive geometries in different colors??

- As soon as we click on "ports", we get an error "Your network connection may have been lost or the 3PAR StoreServ server may be down". The Ports-Section therefore does not work at all for us.

Hope that's all not too incomprehendable, describing stuff like that in a foreign language is quite challenging :?
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

Here is one of my biggest complaints with SSMC, wasted real estate and inefficient use of screen. I feel like I need a 30 inch monitor of larger.

Here is a typcial example. I go to edit a volume and the popup fill over 60% of the screen and there is a huge amount of white space, yet I have to click a check box to do anything other edit the name? This wasted space problem is all over the SSMC.

Also because it is web based the pop up is contained in the browser window, with IMC I could drag the popup to another monitor without having to make the IMC sized to both monitors. Becomes a lot of inefficient back and forth.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

Using same example once you edit the options and click OK my normal expectation would be for the popup menu to close, but it simply just blanks out all the fields and leave the popup on the screen, very confusing.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

Richard Siemers wrote:EOL Announcment for System Reporter:

Now this is very discouraging, but not unexpected. We are huge SR users and the gaps between SR and SSMS SR are large for us. Once I validate issues in 2.1 are same as what I have seen in beta SSMS SR I will post those, but do not want to disclose any issues not yet published.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

Someone else mentioned this in the other thread, but wanted to capture it here, not a huge fan of the "load more" and especially at the bottom and only if you scroll to the bottom. I understand you could overwhelm the SSMC if it loaded thousands of times, but the current process is confusing as on even a single array I can sit there and load more a few times. First there shodul be some very obvious indication you are not seeing all the results. It should be at the top of the screen and then I should get the option to "Load ALL", even if you have to put a prompt that warns that loading a large number of items may impact performance, yadda yadda...

I enclosed a prototype of what would be more intuitive
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More suggestion.png
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by hdtvguy »

apol wrote: - As soon as we click on "ports", we get an error "Your network connection may have been lost or the 3PAR StoreServ server may be down". The Ports-Section therefore does not work at all for us.

I am seeing this intermittently throughout the UI. I think the SSMC backend gets overwhelmed and just starts dropping connections.
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