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Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:37 am
by wbbouldin
c84nks wrote:Could this be limited in InForm OS 3.2.1(mu5) - is this new in 3.2.2 onwards ?
Yes, that's it exactly. Once you upgrade to 3PAR OS 3.2.2 (MU4), SSMC 3.1 can tap into the on-node SR commands that expose the top/bottom exported volumes and the like. It's somewhat limited in 3.2.1 but you can still see the Performance view for a System and quickly switch between hosts, exported volumes, host ports, CPU, cache, and PD graphs. There's less detail in the graphs and fewer options but it gives you a good starting point to see what's going on.

Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:30 pm
by wbbouldin
nsnidanko wrote:Can you please explain what tunevv in current CPG does?
Sure, it gives you the ability to re-layout the vv without having to move it to another CPG. You might want to do this when you've added more nodes or drives and want to optimize the vvs across them. Tunesys will do this too, but if you want fine grained control over which vvs get tuned, then this is what you'd use. It just depends on how much of the tuning process you want to manage yourself vs. having the array do it for you.

Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:38 pm
by Richard Siemers
Feedback regarding multi VV export.

When shift click selection more than 1 virtual volume and selection the action of Export, and defining a range of LUNs to use... SSMC 3.1 has no preview or other mechanism to ensure that the right LUN# is assigned to the right VV.

I just created 9 luns...


The _# portion of the VV name is my intended lun number to be exported. When I shift select all 9 luns and hit export, and use the the lun assignment of 0-9, the tool for some reason provisioned the exports in this odd order:

VMWARE_4 Lun 0
VMWARE_5 Lun 1
VMWARE_0 Lun 2
VMWARE_1 Lun 3
VMWARE_2 Lun 4
... etc

Very annoying. Miss the preview screen of the IMC and the ability to easily back out and resort the list etc to get it to align properly.

Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:42 pm
by wbbouldin
Richard Siemers wrote:SSMC 3.1 has no preview or other mechanism to ensure that the right LUN# is assigned to the right VV.
You're right. I've created a user story to address this in a future release. Thanks for pointing it out.

Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:39 am
by tntteam

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but when I'm using compare systems, and export to pdf, only main system is show in pdf, not the compared system.

There is a bug on cpg edit, like, I have a FC cpg with RAID5 8+1, if I click on edit, the "set size" reverst to the default (I guess) "3+1"

Also, I can't create a graph with multiples VVs each one having it's separate "line" in the graph, I can only get aggregated graph. Whereas this works if I select "Specific Time/Most recent sample" instead of "Time interval/Default/1 week" but it gives me histogram (rectangular shapes) and not lines.


Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:22 am
by wbbouldin
Hi tntteam. I need to get some details from you about the version of SSMC, the report templates you're selecting, etc. So I'll follow up with you directly in a PM.

Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:42 am
by egueniffey
Hi all,
we are currently using SSMC and we have 2*8440 and 2*8450



Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:11 am
by apol
When creating new pp-rc-groups, ssmc keeps complaining the the maximum number of pp-groups with auto-failover and path-management is reached. So we have to create all rc-groups without pp/af/pm, edit them afterwards and enabled those features (which works without problems).


Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:54 pm
by nsnidanko
Feature request:

In System reporter when selecting Specific time it would be very nice to specify Start Time and End Time

It's very useful for troubleshooting purposes. For example:
I review hosts ports report for last 12 hours and notice from 2pm to 3pm something was generating 50K IOPS when normal is 10K.

Next I run report for VV performance for that time span and select top 5 volumes to discover which volume(s) generated that load.

Re: SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:35 pm
by wbbouldin
nsnidanko wrote:In System reporter when selecting Specific time it would be very nice to specify Start Time and End Time
Yes, I can see how that would be very helpful. It's on the backlog but not planned for the next release. I've marked the feature as being requested from a customer so that will move it up in priority. Thanks for taking the time to share your suggestion!