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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:36 pm
by wbbouldin
Will wrote:I really wish there was an action to use existing host entry to add the host to a new array!
Understood. That's on the backlog for an upcoming SSMC release. I'll pass the request along to the development team so they know someone else is interested in this feature.

Thanks for posting your feedback!

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:42 am
by apol
I'd love to have that as well. Select two arrays that are in a rc-connection, and create a host on both arrays with a single action.

Or use the "copy ldap-settings" logic for copying host-definitions to as many arrays as you want (Good for migrating from one pair of rc'd systems to a new one)!

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:09 am
by wbbouldin
apol wrote:I'd love to have that as well. Select two arrays that are in a rc-connection, and create a host on both arrays with a single action.

Or use the "copy ldap-settings" logic for copying host-definitions to as many arrays as you want (Good for migrating from one pair of rc'd systems to a new one)!
Hmmm... If you're willing to put the arrays into a Federation, you can sync lots of things between them automatically. Hosts, users, LDAP settings, host sets, virtual domains, etc. will be copied from one array to the other using the "Sync federation" action. Is that a viable option or is setting up a federation too much to ask?

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:19 pm
by Will
wbbouldin wrote:
apol wrote:I'd love to have that as well. Select two arrays that are in a rc-connection, and create a host on both arrays with a single action.

Or use the "copy ldap-settings" logic for copying host-definitions to as many arrays as you want (Good for migrating from one pair of rc'd systems to a new one)!
Hmmm... If you're willing to put the arrays into a Federation, you can sync lots of things between them automatically. Hosts, users, LDAP settings, host sets, virtual domains, etc. will be copied from one array to the other using the "Sync federation" action. Is that a viable option or is setting up a federation too much to ask?

I think there are many situations that the add host to array feature would work for that implementing Federation would be going too far.

Though I'm just starting to try understand what Federation is all about.

The host, whole host and nothing but the host

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:27 pm
by wbbouldin
Digging into this a bit more... The "Sync federation" action can be used to sync the following settings:
    Host sets
    Virtual Domain
    Virtual Domain set

The best part is that the arrays don't have to be zoned correctly for the sync operation to work. They just need to be in the same federation. So don't worry about the state of the federation. Just put the arrays in a federation, perform the sync, and then delete the federation.

Since the building blocks are already in place, we'll see what we can do to make this easier to do in a future SSMC version. For example, select one or more hosts in the Hosts view and have a copy action to another array. Same goes for the other objects above and probably one in Systems to cover SNMP, NTP, LDAP, and syslog.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:59 am
by apol
For syncing lots of settings and stuff between arrays, federation would of course work. But for day to day creation of new hosts on rc'd arrays, this would be overkill i guess - just being able to create a host on both arrays would be better here imho.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:26 am
by MammaGutt
If I'm not mistaken, the host zoning needs to be in place to be able to import/copy host configuration between arrays in a federation. When I did "federation" between 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 for peer motion, the only hosts imported on the 3.2.2 array was the hosts already zoned.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:38 am
by apol
In the last one or two weeks, it happend more and more often that after doing something in ssmc, I was thrown back to the dashboard after clicking the last "Ok" and with this started a task. After returning, I saw that the task was nevertheless started and ok.

10 minutes ago, it started throwing me back to dashboard BEFORE I could click the last "Yes I'm sure OK-button". I tried (twice) to delete old alerts that were in state "resolved by system".

Is this a known problem?

<Edit:> IE11 11.0.9600.18538 works, IE11 11.0.9600.18537 has the behaviour described above (both show equal "Update-Version" and KBxxx)

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:31 am
by wbbouldin
apol wrote:Is this a known problem?
You did exactly the right thing by updating your browser. If you see strange behavior like that in IE (or 'Aw, Snap' in Chrome)' see if there's a browser update.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:48 pm
by Will
Anyone know what this means when doing a host import in Federation in SSMC 3.0?

"Host W2K12

WWPNs 50060B0000XXXXXX, 50060B0000XXXXXX are assigned to host W2K12 on system V400 but there are less than 2 ports available on system 8440 for the WWPNs"

Host is zoned to 8440 with one initiator to one target(2 nodes/controllers) on each fabric.
Host is zoned to v400 with one initiator to two targets(4 nodes/controllers) on each fabric
