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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:45 am
by hdtvguy
Suggestion. Implement password management in the admin console so I can mass change passwords and at the same tiem it will update the saved credentials it uses for connecting to arrays. We have to change passwords every 90 days nd it is a painful process. Look at Brocades BNA product, it is great at password management. You select the switches you want, it pull in all the IDs, you filter the IDs you want to change and it changes the password and updates BNA with new credentials that it caches for communication. I can change passwords on dozens of switches in 30 seconds and BNA does not miss a heartbeat.

SSMC is a bit more painful, once you change the passwords SSMC starts loosing info until you go n and select all the arrays, then update the credential, but I find that even then it does not always reconnect, we have to select several arrays and then do a connect.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:52 am
by hdtvguy
Finding that once we change passwords the arrays start intermittently disconnecting from SSMC, we Reconnect and they connect for a while then drop again.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:53 pm
by IvanIannaccone
what is the use case for wanting to load all volumes for all systems in one go? just need to understand what task you are tying to accomplish.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:46 pm
by IvanIannaccone
hdtvguy wrote:Suggestion. Implement password management in the admin console so I can mass change passwords and at the same tiem it will update the saved credentials it uses for connecting to arrays. We have to change passwords every 90 days nd it is a painful process..

great idea, we can definitely look at this.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:59 pm
by IvanIannaccone
apol wrote:Hi, after two days of testing:

- We would prefer if ssmc displayed names of sets, vvs etc. without line-wrapping in the left area. Trim the last characters like IMC did if necessary, but please don't clutter the interface with wrapped around strings! One element - one line!

Agreed, tracking this for a future release.

apol wrote: - As the left navigation pane often displays everything from every systems (e.g. CPGs) when you click there for the first time, everything automatically created sucks: we have 18 3PAR systems, so there are lots of CPGS that are all called the same ("FC_r1", "FC_r5", etc), and the CPGs we actually use are spread among them. Especially with dedup on systems with more the 64TB, you can't just use this automatically provisioned cpgs (you need a new cpg for every 64TB), and on systems you bought with InformOS prior to 3.1.2 you already had your CPGs when this cpgs (FC_r1 etc.) showed up. Same with VV-Sets: In the VV-Set-Part, we have to click "load more" very often until we see all of them. The 200+ "RCP_xxx"-VVSets don't help at all in this regard. It's a neat idea to help new customers get a system up and running, but it would really be cool if there was a checkbox "hide all that automatically created stuff like cpgs and vv-sets".

You can delete any system defined CPGs if there are not used remove them :). There will improvment in future releases on AFA configurations. I think you have been provided wrong information around 64TB and dedup, that is not what you should be doing, feel free to ping me offline if you need more information. The RCP_xxx is something that we will give more control over so like the CPGs you will be able to remove them, today you cannot. I need to understand better they use case for wanting to load all items in one go, why are you doing that?

apol wrote:
- We would prefer alphabetically ordered drop down lists. We have no idea how the actual sorting works. Newly added systems appeared on places 3 and 5 in the drop down list, but places 3 and 4 in the left list in the systems-section (when "All Systems" is selected in drop down list). Places 3 and 4 are correct when ordering alphabetically.

good catch,we have to improve this.

apol wrote:
- The "Systems" drop down lists acts "additive", so for changing systems you always have to click twice - select the new one, deselect the old one. And then one more click to make the drop down list disappear. How about adding a little "+" in front of system names? Clicking that --> "add to selection" and let menu stay visible, clicking the system name --> "change to that system" and close drop down menu.

the change will have to be consistent with how other products work, it's a good suggestion and I will bring this up.

apol wrote: - We like the "historical capacity"-chart very much. We'd like to create/have an own dashboard with this chart from every system all next to each other. Maybe with separated drive geometries in different colors??

We have great plans for the SSMC SR capabilities, right now our goal it to make sure you can do all that External System Reporter allows you, then we will implement a tone of cool features that are on our roadmap.

apol wrote: - As soon as we click on "ports", we get an error "Your network connection may have been lost or the 3PAR StoreServ server may be down". The Ports-Section therefore does not work at all for us.

I have had this reported by another two users, and until know we have narrowed it down to chrome extension. I really want to get the logs, so if you can collect them and send them to it would be great.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 7:02 pm
by IvanIannaccone
apol wrote: - We would prefer alphabetically ordered drop down lists. We have no idea how the actual sorting works. Newly added systems appeared on places 3 and 5 in the drop down list, but places 3 and 4 in the left list in the systems-section (when "All Systems" is selected in drop down list). Places 3 and 4 are correct when ordering alphabetically.

I discussed this with the team and this is how the code behaves :

a. Frequency of Use: If we know that some options are used more frequently than others, then they can be displayed first (at the top of the dropdown list)
b. Alphabetical: If frequency of use is irrelevant/unknown, then the options can be displayed alphabetically…the latter seems appropriate for the system sticky filter.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 1:51 am
by apol
IvanIannaccone, first of all: Thank you for your interest in our woes, ideas, ... and the unbureaucratic offer to help and investigate - awesome!

SSMC Ports-Pane:
Made a new test this morning: no other users logged into ssmc. Login (on second try, had a typo in username…), wait 'till UI settles and historical capacity graph appears, click on "Ports", error appears, acknowledge error, logout. Collect everything from ssmcdata/data/logs that has been touched today. If you need a full "support.bat"-output please tell me! This error oocurs every single time we try to use the ports pane, it is not the occasional glitch that can happen when the network hickups. I'll mail the zip to you (2.whatever mb).

View on list of VV-Sets:
"I need to understand better they use case for wanting to load all items in one go, why are you doing that?" Well, each of our two V400s has about 490 VV-Sets, approx. 300 of them are "RCP_xxx". Even without those, SSMC would not display all VV-Sets from one of the two machines. It's not about displaying all VV-Sets from all machines at once! We could probably just use the search/filter-bar, sure, but just being able to click on the list-element you want to check/alter/whatever is a quite basic idea I think?!

AFA / 64TB:
I read somewhere that a CPG for Dedup should not exceed 64TB, I think the reason was to minimize the chance for hash collisions. I'm not sure if that refers to "allocated size", "used-size storage-wise after dedup" or "used-size host-wise before dedup". We actually plan to put in a cpg the primaries worth approx 25TB allocated for one cluster in dc1 plus the secondaries of another, equally sized cluster in dc2. Thinking about to put some more in, we'll see about that if the first clusters are completely migrated to the AFA. Additional CPGs for next clusters, and for equally sized clusters with other hypervisor/OS. What is your take on that topic? Very interested in it, as we just startet putting hosts and data on our AFA! If our idea is wrong/not optimal, this is the moment to change direction!

Drop down lists ordering:
Sorry, but I still don't get it. In our case, it's neither alphabetically nor frequency of use-ordered… Or can we influence ordering somehow?

@all: I posted this in the forum because I think it could be interesting for others as well, but I don't want to pollute this thread - if this should go to an own thread or should be done via pm, please tell me!

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 5:22 am
by hdtvguy
hdtvguy wrote:Finding that once we change passwords the arrays start intermittently disconnecting from SSMC, we Reconnect and they connect for a while then drop again.

Rebooting the VM the SSMC was running on seemed to clear this up. Saw similar behavior in 2.0, not necessarily when passwords were changed. But it seems if the SSMC starts having connection issues a reboot clears it up.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:26 am
by hdtvguy
If I had to pick one of the most powerful productivity benefits of IMC that is totally lacking in SSMC I would pick the Provision Virtual Volumes menu.

The power the IMC has to select columns, and their positions is very powerfully for daily administration. My only complaint with IMC is I need to have WWN as a column.

I can't stress enough for us how much this feature is need in SSMC. And the capability in general to hide/show and re-position columns on many menus.

The simple hierarchy display and having the columns a admin needs and wants, not what is imposed on them is extremely powerful and productivity enhancing.

This screen shot also emphasizes the pain pf the "Load more" issue, I need to "Load all"

I will also add in what others have said the RCP VV Sets really crowds valid information out.

Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:51 am
by hdtvguy
Here is an anomaly. I will likely call support, but that is a painful process. So since HP is now actively engaged here let's get this straight to the right folks.

If you look at the IMC screen shot the creation times are sorted in reverse order and the snaps appear as expected. Same view in SSMC (and yes there is no prompt to "load more") with all result supposedly returned and the results do not match, the number of snaps is off as well 70 vs 66.