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Network Error

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:11 am
by Rugbyman
Hi All

Has anyone seen this before, when running a health check?
Component Identifier Description
Network Node1:Admin Errors Detected on network

7200, it appears on the master node, i have rebooted the node, but the error remains:
3.1.3 MU1

Re: Network Error

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:02 pm
by tkunkel
From HP support:

"The error counters shown by shownet and shownet -d cannot be cleared except by rebooting a controller node. Because checkhealth is showing network counters from a history log, checkhealth stops reporting the issue if there is no increase in error in the next log entry cannot be cleared except by rebooting a controller node. At moment the only way to fix the issue is to reboot the respective nodes which has error detected on shownet. This issue is not fixed on 3.1.3 MU1 and is expected to fix on some of the latest release."

Happy rebooting.