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LD to vvol mapping?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:41 am
by afidel
So I'm trying to analyze a performance anomaly and I'm using histld to find the LD's with slow service times, but now that I have the LD's I need to map those back to vvols (and yes I realize some will be villains and some will be victims, but it still gives me somewhere to look). The problem is the results look like this:

Code: Select all

10:30:40 08/12/2014 ----------------Time (millisec)----------------- ---------------Size (bytes)----------------
              Ldame  0.50    1    2   4    8   16   32   64  128 256    4k   8k  16k  32k  64k 128k 256k 512k 1m
       tp-15-sd-0.1  1514  310  294 250  323  873 1830 1582  670 120  2063 2040 2295  645  723    0    0    0  0
       tp-8-sd-0.12  1206  209  222 609 1002  745  762  903  593  86   697  540 3417 1054  543   73   13    0  0
       tp-10-sd-0.4  6211  785  493 105    6   95  685 1403  836 156  7735  169   60   32 1172   29   55 1523  0
       tp-4-sd-0.45  1319    0    1   1   11   20   73  264  399 196  1404   84  517  154  100   22    3    0  0

Obviously those tp-* names are from thin provisioning, but they don't mean anything to a human. Perusing the CLI reference guide doesn't give any obvious way to map LD's to VVOL's, does anyone have a handy method?

Re: LD to vvol mapping?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:01 am
by afidel
So somehow I missed the obvious the first run through the commands, the relevant command is showldmap (duh), and it led us to the offender and we've asked them if they can tone down their work and the answer was no, so the only solution is to turn AO back on for tonight to move their stuff up from NL (It's been off for the last month or so as we've been rebalancing into our recent expansion purchase).