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Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:20 am
by Bolts

I have a question regarding AO which I cannot seem to find the answer to.

I need to edit an AO config to change the CPGs it uses. I have 3 CPGs (SSD, FC and NL)currently and they are in an AO config and this has been running for a while. We need to edit the AO config to alter this with 3 new CPG's (again SSD, FC and NL).

What I need to know is what will happen to the chunklets that have been moved as part of the first AO config? Will they move back to their original CPG's and then move back once the new AO config runs, the reason for asking this is we are running out of space on our FC storage and I obviously don't want the system to move the chunklets back to FC as looking at the CPG allocation we have probably upwards of 50Tb that was moved to NL due to AO and we certainly don't have that kind of space on the FC tier.

I cannot believe that it will move the chunklets back if there is not enough space but need some guidance on this.


Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:19 am
by hdtvguy
If yu remove a CPG from the AO config the data will stay on that CPG. The best way to do that is there is a parameter on the tunevv command that allows you to move just the chunklets for a volume in a given CPG to another CPG without having to retune the entire volume. the only bug is this is an issue if you are doing the base volume.

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:28 pm
by Richard Siemers
There is no special tunevv parameter per se, its just the standard, everyday tunevv... can you explain/link what this bug is you are talking about? I am doing something similar, an AO re-design, and need to pull all my SSD back down to FC.

The old method with system reporter based AO would be to set the tier0 capacity limit to 0 and let it drain out... however I don't see this functionally documented in the array based AO commands. :(

So manually:

Code: Select all

ESFWT800-2 cli% showvvcpg HOSTX_L21_DB
                                              ----(MB)----- -New (MB)--
Name                         CPG              Adm Snp   Usr Adm Snp Usr
HOSTX_L21_DB PRD_TIER1_CPG_01 128   0   896   0   0   0
HOSTX_L21_DB PRD_TIER2_CPG_00 128   0 90240   0   0   0
1                            -                256   0 91136   0   0   0

ESFWT800-2 cli% tunevv usr_cpg PRD_TIER2_CPG_00 HOSTX_L21_DB
Are you sure you want to tune VV 'HOSTX_L21_DB' ?
select y=yes n=no: y
Task 2566 started

ESFWT800-2 cli% showtask 2566
No tasks.

ESFWT800-2 cli% showvvcpg HOSTX_L21_DB
                                              ----(MB)----- -New (MB)--
Name                         CPG              Adm Snp   Usr Adm Snp Usr
HOSTX_L21_DB PRD_TIER2_CPG_00 256   0 91136   0   0   0
1                            -                256   0 91136   0   0   0

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:41 am
by hdtvguy
The below syntax moves on the chunklets for a given AP tier on a given volume:

tunevv usr_cpg "target_cpg" -src_cpg "source_cpg" -f "volume_name"

We have used this and it works well, with a minor exception. It has problem with the default user CPG for a volume, it will vacate it, but never flips the volume default to the new CPG.

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:22 pm
by Richard Siemers
According to google, your post above is the only place on the internet where the words "tunevv" and "src_cpg" exist together... where/how did you discover that option? It's not in either 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 cli guide.

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:07 am
by hdtvguy
Support provided that to me a while back, it was added to 3.1.2 MU2 I believe. I would have thought they would have updated the docs by now. As stated thought it has an issue with the default user cpg of a volume. Maybe they have not published it yet due to that problem. It works great on other cpgs. Give it a try it does work.

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:15 pm
by mohuddle
Richard, what did you mean "...pull all my SSD back down to FC." ?

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:39 pm
by Richard Siemers
By that I meant I need to un-AO all my chunks that were moved up to SSD back down to the original FC CPG.

I want to completely re-build my AO strategy. My old method was to AO all production systems... now I just want to narrow that down to a few performance critical Tier 1 production apps.

the "-src_cpg" option speed things up quite nicely.

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:45 am
by mohuddle
Richard Siemers wrote:By that I meant I need to un-AO all my chunks that were moved up to SSD back down to the original FC CPG.

I want to completely re-build my AO strategy. My old method was to AO all production systems... now I just want to narrow that down to a few performance critical Tier 1 production apps.

the "-src_cpg" option speed things up quite nicely.

Richard, you do have only SSD for Tier0 and FC for Tier2? No NL?

We are just starting to build up a 7400 environment with about 13TB of SSD and ~90 TB of FC. Trying to figure out how to best use the SSD...and as I said before, how does AO+SSD play in the realm of overnight backups and how they might impact other Production servers.

Do I need to get in QoS for this?

Re: Deleting / Editing an Adaptive Optimisation Config

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:06 pm
by hdtvguy
Our 7400 has 20 trays )10 per controller pair) and has about 19TB of SSD the rest is all 900GB 10K. We set SSD as R5 3+1 so it will evenly layout across all the trays. Then for FC we have RAID 1 and then a RAID 5 3+1 as well. For SSD, Raid 5 is fine, figure out how many cages/trays per controller pair you have and then set up a Raid 5 set that evenly divides into that count. If your SSD does not populate all the trays then use the number of trays that contain SSD as your base number.