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Does anybody use tunepd??

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:05 am
by apol

after upgrading our array, currently tunesys does the basic capacity based restriping. Next would be / could be performance based tuning via tunepd.

My first idea was to run a 12h-analysis (6am to 6pm) via

Code: Select all

tunepd -vvlayout -chstat -maxpd 3  -d <timespan for analysis in secs> avgsvct highest

Later (after I think I understand what tunepd wants to do) I would add

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movech -auto

to the above command.

A test on our qs-array shows that tunepd takes <timespan> for the first part (collecting I/O statistics for physical disks), then takes another <timespan> for "Collecting I/O statistics for chunklets of candidate PDs"

This means I can never get the whole time I want in the complete analysis, and it means each step analyses different IO-patterns - because the different analysis-steps run strictly one after the other. PD-Analysis in the morning, chunklet-analysis in the afternoon :?

Does anybody use tunepd on a regular basis? Any best practices?