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Inserv 3.1.1 EOL 5/2014

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:20 pm
by Richard Siemers ... .199480143

Am I reading that right? Did they announce it on 5/2, a day after it went EOL? Did anyone else have advanced warning this was coming? Am I not subscribed to some mailing list that I should be so that I can get advanced notice of this sort of thing?

Re: Inserv 3.1.1 EOL 5/2014

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 6:01 pm
by afidel
If I'm reading that right they're just discontinuing testing of new OS/HBA/Switches and will provide customer support on existing items on the support matrix for 1 year.

End of Service/Support life for HP 3PAR OS 3.1.1 and SP 2.5.2 running on F-Class, T-Class and StoreServ 10000 storage systems. HP will provide commercially reasonable support on a per-support contract basis after EOSL of 1 May 2015. A customer’s support contract will dictate whether support ceases prior to EOSL

Also no online upgrades for any 3PAR OS version released after May 1 2015.

That doesn't seem like a particularly onerous EOL schedule.

Re: Inserv 3.1.1 EOL 5/2014

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:45 pm
by Richard Siemers
That is a relief... I liked the old format of the letter better. I didn't see this detail the first read:

"Impact on F-Class, T-Class and StoreServ 10000: End of Service/Support Life for HP 3PAR OS versions 3.1.1 GA through 3.1.1 MU3 is 1 May 2015. Only offline software upgrade of HP 3PAR OS will be available after this date."

So this notice is our 1 year head's up that D-Day is coming for 3.1.1