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Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:21 am
by seritlj

I have an Storserv 7200, how can I view my sparing policy, and how does it work?

I remember in EVA you could "reserve space" of x number of disks. And the EVA with leverage free capacity on the Disk Group to "levelling" the data on the other disks.

How is this in Storserv? I see the system has set aside about 5% of the total capacity to spare as of now. how can i view or change the policy?

Re: Sparing..

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:37 pm
by Richard Siemers
3PAR spares is distributed in chunks across many disks... so that all your spindles are used for performance with none idle.

from command line, you can use showspare, createspare, removespare commands. If this is a production environment though, I recommend you open a ticket with HP support and have them make the requested changes.