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7200c adding new drive enclosure M6710

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:57 pm
by o5k

I already have 3PAR 7200C with one M6720 connected like in cable guide. Both DP-1 from drive enclosure are connected to DP-2 on both nodes.

Now I need to add M6710. Do you think I can connect it from both DP-1 of M6710 to both DP-1 on nodes so I wil end up like on page 16 in this cable guide ... =c04441597
but in my case E1 will be M6720 and E2 M6710?

I would like to avoid re-cabling it since there is no guide how to do it online.

Best regards

Re: 7200c adding new drive enclosure M6710

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:09 pm
by cali
Yes, that's the correct way.
Can be done Online.
Add Disk license if you haven't reached 48 Drives at first.
Remember that one Cable is short and other long, as the Guide describes.
Insert Drives and power on the Shelf a while before connect.
Execute admithw, after connect.

Re: 7200c adding new drive enclosure M6710

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 4:43 am
by o5k
Thanks Cali. Sadly afted cabling I stucked at:

checkhealth -svc -detail
Cabling cage2 Check connections or replace cable from (cage0, node0, DP-1) to (cage2, I/O 0, DP-1) - failed links

So i didn't admithw yet

I switched SAS cable to new one. Problem persist. Only 3 leds out of 4 on bad SAS port in enclosure are on.

In the output I see:
Link_Speed(DP1,DP2) Unknown,Unknown 6.0Gbps,Unknown

should be
Link_Speed(DP1,DP2) 6.0Gbps,Unknown 6.0Gbps,Unknown

cm3par cli% showcage -d cage2
Id Name LoopA Pos.A LoopB Pos.B Drives Temp RevA RevB Model FormFactor
2 cage2 1:0:1 1 0:0:1 1 16 24-26 4078 4078 DCS2 SFF

-----------Cage detail info for cage2 ---------

Position: ---

Interface Board Info Card0 Card1
Firmware_status Current Current
Product_Rev 4078 4078
State(self,partner) OK,OK OK,OK
VendorId,ProductId HP,DCS2 HP,DCS2
Master_CPU No Yes
SAS_Addr 50050CC1193CC73E 50050CC1193CC77E
Link_Speed(DP1,DP2) Unknown,Unknown 6.0Gbps,Unknown
Locate Off Off

I created ticket to HPE and waiting. Will share leter about progress.

Re: 7200c adding new drive enclosure M6710

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:25 am
by o5k
Ok to close this topic.

Ended with node0 replace by HPE.