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Script to check Remote Copy Groups are started

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:53 am
by hdtvguy
So I do not pretend to be a script person, it has been years since I did any real scripting/coding so take this for what is is worth. I have created a script that will check the status of all remote copy groups and create output files and return an error code if any remote copy group is not in a Started status. I figured that there are others like me that need some scripts so anything I can find and plagiarize I am open to offering the same from my work. The one output file is also a good way to get a list of all your remote copy groups without all the noise of the showrcopy command.

Re: Script to check Remote Copy Groups are started

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:31 am
by Richard Siemers
Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Script to check Remote Copy Groups are started

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:37 am
by hdtvguy
OK again apologies for rough scripting, but here is a newer modified version. This is a bit cleaner (IMO) and also will now output the last sync time and replication interval to the console and the output file will have the group name, status and interval converted to minutes. With over 100 remote copy groups this makes it easy to get a csv that can be sorted by a uniform interval.