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Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:18 am
by skumflum
steve_carlose wrote:cleanur
I told you a true.
our old controller was second hand but after that AC problem we bout the new one.
now I wanna just install the inform OS again because our new SSD san disk drive don't have a OS.
I think it's not complicated !!!!

Have you tried to call HP

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:27 pm
by Josh26
steve_carlose wrote:now I wanna just install the inform OS again because our new SSD san disk drive don't have a OS.
I think it's not complicated !!!!

This is the wrong type of hardware to play that game with.

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:50 pm
by skumflum
steve_carlose wrote:Yes you are right but I told you I'm his employer I can't make a goal.if I can't fix this problem maybe I'll loos my position.

It may be a cultural thing but in your fear of losing your job, you are digging yourself a deeper hole. The boss is (or should be) responsible and he needs to know the facts…. Enough is enough; it is irresponsible to continue down this path.

He should applaud colleagues that is not afraid to take a stand for the good of the company. If he then decide to continue, it will at least be an informed decision.

[edit]Don’t get me wrong…. I do sympathize with you. It’s a horrible situation you are in[/edit]

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:59 pm
by Richard Siemers
Steve, I'm sorry you're stuck in this situation.

You really need advanced engineering level support customized to your systems specific state. I don't believe anyone, anywhere has been in a similar situation. Are you trying to just get the system operational again so that you can use it... or are you needing to recover the data is on it? Is it ok in your situation if all the data is wiped clean?

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:59 am
by steve_carlose

I think it's not complicated.I wanna just re-install the Inform OS.
I'm new in HP3PAR

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:09 am
by steve_carlose
Hello Richard.
Thanks god.I'm waiting for your reply more than 3 days :)
Yes I'm trying to just get the system operational again.fortunately I have a full backup of our data it's not important for me.

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:49 am
by skumflum
Ok, I will stop talking about your boss :lol: someone like that just makes me angry.

[Disclaimer] I am going to suggest something that is totally wild, so please don’t do it out of my recommendation [/disclaimer]

Do you still have the old defect controllers? You could try to yank the internal drives out and insert them in the new ones. If you are lucky, the OS will boot. 8-)

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:57 am
by steve_carlose

unfortunately I don't have old one

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:26 pm
by Richard Siemers
Steve, I don't know how to fix, but by clarifying that you are not concerned with data loss, and just need help getting the nodes boot drives/OS re-installed, I think will open some doors for others to assist.

Re: 3PAR 7400 controller error

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:32 pm
by Cleanur
Convenient the original controllers are no longer available. Also you can manage days of down time so long as you have an offline backup. Obviously if you manage to get this pair back up and running you won't be going ahead with the original plan of changing the serial number.

As much as I would like to help, Is it just me or does this along with the previous requests for ootb procedures, serial number changes, reticence in contacting HP support just not add up as a legitimate purchase / install ?