SSMC Customer Feedback

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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by wbbouldin »

Understood, and this has been coded up already for the next version of SSMC. It's coming. Until then, the CLI setalert and removealert commands can help. The number of alerts won't impact operation of the array.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by cali »

wbbouldin wrote:@apol
Understood, and this has been coded up already for the next version of SSMC. It's coming. Until then, the CLI setalert and removealert commands can help. The number of alerts won't impact operation of the array.

I agree, and until this I still use the IMC for the Alerts.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by Richard Siemers »

From what I can tell, SSMC 2.4 does nott bridge any of the gaps inherent to on-array system reporter, it doesn't collect data from the array either, its just a new front end to interface with the on-array SR. Is this correct?
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by wbbouldin »

@Richard - Correct, SSMC renders data from the on-node SR database and does not have its own external database. I'm not sure what you mean by bridging the gaps so if there are specific features that you're asking about, please let me know.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by Richard Siemers »

wbbouldin wrote:I'm not sure what you mean by bridging the gaps so if there are specific features that you're asking about, please let me know.

There are functional gaps between external system reporter (eSR) on on-array/SSMC system reporter (OASR). For example, On-Array SR does not send alerts or reports to email... but with SSMC installed, it can bridge that gap, but unfortunately the email feature is still not on-par with legacy eSR. SSMC will send alerts/reports to one list of email address, for all alerts and all reports, one list for everything. eSR allows each alert and each report to have different email recipients.

Another feature missing from SSMC and OASR that we have in external System reporter is the single SR database for multiple arrays. This allows aggregate reports such as by customer hosts/applications that span or migrate across multiple arrays. This also allows for report data to remain available even after the array is decommissioned, and its all query-able and usable from one place, and does not require extracting data from several places and merging into excel for further manipulation.

We like to keep 3 years of daily history to better plan future capacity needs. I can craft a single report in eSR for an application owner (VLUN capacity, all arrays, filtered by a list host names for that application, or even a list of VVs) that shows their "used chunklet" growth rate over 3 years. Since we're thin provisioned, that data is pretty useful as a gauge for measuring the application real capacity growth rate. I can then save that report url to schedule eSR to email it on a schedule to that application owner periodically.

I am anxiously awaiting HP to patch the System Reporter platform to accommodate the recent change from all numeric 3PAR serial numbers to the new alpha-numeric. 3.1 MU4 P01 patch disappointing only fixes this for MySql instalations, and not for the other supported database platforms like Oracle. We just purchased a new 8450 that has an alphanumeric serial number and cannot be polled by our eSR environment.
Richard Siemers
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by tcolbert »

Not sure if this has been mentioned before but Consistency Groups for Virtual Copies and Physical Copies (or snapshot and clone as they are now called in SSMC) appear to be missing. Currently using SSMC 2.4.
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by Jan Peter »

I understand that SSMC will also replace system reporter.
But I am missing the ability to Compare VV or Hosts in the reports so you can see which hosts or vv generates the higest load. Compare on Total_Iops or kbps and show the VV with the higest counters.

Am I missing somthing ?
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by Richard Siemers »

Jan Peter wrote:I understand that SSMC will also replace system reporter.
But I am missing the ability to Compare VV or Hosts in the reports so you can see which hosts or vv generates the higest load. Compare on Total_Iops or kbps and show the VV with the higest counters.

Am I missing somthing ?

So when you create a report, you only 1 chance to select "Report Template" on creation, you can not edit the report template afterwards, you have to delete the old report and create a new one. The workflow is not very fluid imho. Anyway - to your question: Try the "Exported Volumes - Compare by Performance Statistics" template... and then you can "group by" host, VV, or both.

Group by more than one attribute is new functionality we didn't have with external system reporter. I find it useful with Vmware clusters that share datastores, I can group by Host and VV and see the same VLUN on the chart multiple time by ESX host.
Richard Siemers
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by tcolbert »

Do we know if HP are still monitoring this thread.

As it is supposed to be the way forward, I have been trying to push SSMC with my customers but yet again I have found another issue in SSMC. As we all probably know, when you upgrade from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 and above, the Persona for Windows 2008 / 2012 should be changed from 2 to 15. The Windows 2008 / 2012 implementation guide clearly states that this is in online procedure. However, SSMC 2.4 won't let you do this online.

When I know a customer is having this upgrade carried out, I am telling them to get used to SSMC and then we always seem to hit an issue with it!

IMC and CLI don't have any issues with this host persona switch.

(I am happy with CLI but some customers who are having the upgrade done prefer GUI).
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Re: Official SSMC Customer Feedback

Post by Jan Peter »

About SSMC Reports

You say : use the Exported Volumes - Compare by Performance Statistics" template... and then you can "group by" host, VV, or both.

But I do not have a template "Exported Volumes - Compare by Performance Statistics" but only templates "Exported Volumes Performance" without the compare option.

We have SSMC 2.4 and OS 3.2.1 (MU2)
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