snapshot and remote copy

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snapshot and remote copy

Post by sameer666 »

Hi guys,

It is possible to schedule the virtual copy(snapshot) and remote copy the base volume and scheduled virtual copy to a remote DR site using RCIP

Many Thanks
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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by sameer666 »

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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by RitonLaBevue »

Yes you can :)
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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by sameer666 »

Can you please hightlight how? I cann't seemto find anything alike in the management console.
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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by RitonLaBevue »

Throw you console away and try SSH/CLI.

This create a snapshot of primary and secondary volumes at the same time.
createsv -rcopy snapname vvname

Now have a look at "help createschedule".
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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by hdtvguy »

You are going to want to script that. We run a script that snaps VMs then snaps the volumes on the 3par, then throws the snaps of the VM away. The next step for the script is to initiate the Remote Copy at the same time as it snaps the array so a nice clean VM snap gets replicated.
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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by sameer666 »

Thanks for reply, hdtvguy and Riton.

@hdtvguy, can you please see if the below steps are correct.

1) Make a VM snapshot.
2) Make a Virtual Copy with expiry ( are you Virtual copying the whole Virtual Volume?. i dont understand this completly)
3) Make a schedule for the Virtual Copy on the remote site i.e. remote copy.

If there are any scripts that you can share, I will be very grateful.

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Re: snapshot and remote copy

Post by hdtvguy »

Read this thread and look at my script:


The big problem you will have is coordinating a consistent snap on the other side. Too much scripting overhead to do that. What we do is snap all the vm volume son the remote side BEFORE we trigger the daily VM snap and replication. This way we know that replication was not going on while we snapped the volume. If you snap a volume on the target while it is replicating there is a good chance the VM will be useless on the other. The problem then becomes that your snaps on the target can lag by a day. The only other option is to figure out when you are sure replication is done and create the copy on the other side. There are other ways to get the copy on the other side closer to the replication completion, but that is a large amount of scripting. I do plan on adding some of that functionality, but have been waiting for 3par to relaase the update that has some new features i it, I have been shown that the CLI output will be changing and do not want to waste time writing code that will break when they change the CLI output.
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