3par AO and vSphere replication Appliance

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3par AO and vSphere replication Appliance

Post by nsnidanko »

Hi All,

Does anyone have experience with how AO interacts with vSphere Replication Appliance?
My fear is replication appliance will "pollute" hot data for AO. I am looking to run vSphere replication during business hours, at the same time when we gather AO data.

Please comment :)
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Re: 3par AO and vSphere replication Appliance

Post by Davidkn »

Hhhmmmm, not sure on that one, I don't think it would interfere, as vsphere replication just looks at changed blocks since the last replication,so it would just look at the change block tracking and send those blocks over, so once they are replicated, if they aren't accessed again during the working day,mor the following working day they them would be possibly moved down a tier.

This is working from theory, and not experience or anything I've read.

You don't want to mix AO with storage drs.
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Re: 3par AO and vSphere replication Appliance

Post by hdtvguy »

I would not think it would interfere on the source side since the replication works off a snap shot. The destination side is a crap shoot with AO as the data is generally cold so AO has no real stats to go on.
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