3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

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3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by Steve415 »

I heard a rumor that there's a new build of the IMC, 4.4.1, but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know anything about that?
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Re: 3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by Perconte »

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Re: 3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by chjones »

We are running 4.4.1 and it thankfully resolves this annoying bug in 4.4 which was when configuring one of the Ports on the 3PAR the Connection Type would be greyed out.

The only way to change the value between Loop and Point was to change the Connection Mode to other values which change the default of the Connection Type. This was so frustrating.

Thankfully this issue is resolved in 4.4.1.

But my biggest gripe with any version is that by default the GUI will show the Reserved Size for a Virtual Volume, not use the User Used Size (have to add the column), which can be a misleading as the Used Size will shrink when you reclaim blocks, but the Reserved doesn't also shrink inline with that. This threw me off for a day trying to work out why I wasn't reclaiming space.
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Richard Siemers
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Re: 3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by Richard Siemers »

chjones wrote:But my biggest gripe with any version is that by default the GUI will show the Reserved Size for a Virtual Volume, not use the User Used Size (have to add the column), which can be a misleading as the Used Size will shrink when you reclaim blocks, but the Reserved doesn't also shrink inline with that. This threw me off for a day trying to work out why I wasn't reclaiming space.

Interesting topic. The reserved size is what is allocated to that VV and that VV only. It includes both user used space and user free space for immediate writing of new data without doing an allocation of new space first. It doesn't shrink inline with user used on purpose, this allows the VV data to remain somewhat contiguous as it grows, and less fragmented. It does shrink on thin reclamation jobs, just in larger chunks at a time.
Richard Siemers
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Re: 3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by Richard Siemers »

1381337852_991264.png (6.49 KiB) Viewed 24440 times

Here is a Windows NTFS LUN (VV) that had grown to a little over 200gb used, then the data was deleted and had not been used in a while but the app owner did not want to decomission the LUN in case they needed it again. I enabled the zero_detect policy and zerod the file system with sdelete.

I had hoped to see the user used steadily go down, and illustrate the reserved size go down in a stair step like pattern, but I forgot that high res polling for capacity is set at a 1:6 ratio of the every 5 minute performance polling, so my graph was not granular enough.

The user used is 0, but the reserved is 8g. I some specific cases, I would like the ability to trim the reserved down to the bare minimum, but the only way I know how to do that is delete the empty VV and recreate it :(
Richard Siemers
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Re: 3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by hdtvguy »

4.4.1 also seems to resolve the problem with the screen scrolling on refresh. In 4.3/4.4 if you were scrolling a long list of volumes and the IMC refreshed you woudl be pushed back to top. 4.4.1 seems to have fixed that, 4.3 and onward still seem to have some quirks with Java and also if you run Chrome. I find under certain situation if I have numerous Chrome instances running the IMC will not launch, I have to kill GoogleUpdateServie task as well as all Chrome instances and then IMC will launch.
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Re: 3PAR IMC 4.4.1?

Post by Patrick »

I'm only seeing two issues with the 4.4.1 release

1) Pane refreshing, auto-refresh is enabled but when attempting to monitor RC manual refreshing is required
2) The on-board System Reporter with 3.1.2 MU2 only shows up through the GUI on some systems when managing multiple 3Par units via the GUI.
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