3par swap all pd to ssd

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3par swap all pd to ssd

Post by wj-ave5 »

Hi all,
i have a 3par 8200 with 32x600gb mechanical hdd (FC).
i purchased 12x1.92 tb ssd to replace all 32x600gb.
Following different instructions (https://community.hpe.com/t5/3PAR-StoreServ-Storage/Remove-a-PD-permanently/td-p/6965032), I dismissed FC one by one and added ssd.
Now I have all the 12 SSD active but I'm with last 4 FC disks that i cannot dismiss due to always present chunklets.
I tried movech, movepd with all options but chunklets are still there.
I also removed all CPG related to FC.

It seems system vvol admin and .srdata are on those disks.

Do you have idea on how to dismiss all the FC disks?
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Re: 3par swap all pd to ssd

Post by AlexFloyd »

I suppose that is not possible unless to return 3par in a "moment of birth" sate. I.e. reset system to factory defaults.
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