Refresh script

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Refresh script

Post by rmeertens »


Is there an alternative for updatevv? Removevv and createvv wouldn't work, because I need the 'device WWN' to stay the same after the refresh.

There is another issue, when I run updatevv I get a permission denied error. I use a user with 'super' privileges.


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Richard Siemers
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Re: Refresh script

Post by Richard Siemers »

Are you running the updatevv as a scheduled task when you get the access denied? Are you using AD integration?

Scheduled tasks cant be created by AD users, and must be done with a local 3par user.

I thought updatevv would preserve the wwns?
Richard Siemers
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Re: Refresh script

Post by rmeertens »

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply.

1. We use AD integration, but for this 'command' we use the default 3paradm(super) account.
2. We don't use a scheduled task for this, but through the SSH CLI shell.


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Re: Refresh script

Post by rmeertens »

It is working now.

I needed to add some ACL's to my super user:

"setuseracl 3paradm updatevv *" did the trick.

The ACL system is nice, but strange that the updatevv is not looking at the 'role' of a user, which is in my case 'super'.


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Richard Siemers
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Re: Refresh script

Post by Richard Siemers »

Thanks for the update!
Richard Siemers
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